Saturday 26 July 2008

STORY BACKGROUND - The Long Green Goodbye

Issue 122 (July-August 2008) of AntipodeanSF is now available at, so head on over and wallow in the trough of speculative goodness. While you are there make sure you check out Felicity's story "Windows to the Soul" and enjoy a Kodak moment. Now a bit about my story ...

ABOUT The Story

The Long Green Goodbye was inspired by an old Schweppes lemonade commercial that I loved. The advertisement was done in the style of the hard-boiled detective stories by Raymond Chandler - but funnier. One of the lines was something like, "a tall blonde walked past my window, I could tell that she was tall as my office was on the 2nd floor." *he he he*

The title is homage to the Travis McGee novels by John D. MacDonald. His 21 novels regarding this amateur sleuth all had a colour in the title and the first three novels in the series were published in the year that I was born. Respect.

BTW - You can read reviews of issue 122 here:

Hole in the page

Musings of an Aussie Writer

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