Monday, 12 January 2009


Quelle Horreur!

Now as a writer I understand that rejection is part of the gig, however does it need to be in bold text and flashing??

Is it just me or is this a bit harsh? Perhaps the AHWA could tone it down a touch, I would suggest a 6pt regular Arial font (white text on a white background preferably).

AHWA: Midnight Echo

Notice of Rejection


  1. Tee hee...have I missed something? Do AHWA rejections for Midnight Echo come in bold flashing format? I guess they do everything in striking style, eh? Bright side, and all that...

    Commiserations on the rejection. Onward and upward!

  2. Thanks Felicity - I'm looking forward to reading about your continuing exploits this year.

    I just better not find out that you are the evil force behind LARGE FLASHING BOLD rejection notices.


  3. It's not Felicity. My latest rejection was from the same market and so I too gained a "flashy" rejection notice. I don't think it's AHWA either. I think it's editorial preference. If you send out a submission to issue 3, it'll be different again. I've been rejected in issue 1 and 2 now, I'm not sending in stuff with enough tension and good old fashioned horror (apparently), but the two rejections have been totally different in presentation and content.

    Hopefully it's enough to know you're not alone ;c)

  4. Hi BT,

    Yes I didn't really think that it was Felicity.

    I was also rejected in issue 1 however I didn't get any feedback on either piece - just the form letter "didn't meet our vision" type stuff. Did you ask for this specifically?

  5. The first rejection was a form letter, but I know and work with the editors of the second issue (see - no favouritism, I got rejected even though I know them), so that may be why I got a little explanation from them - honestly, I don't know.

    I didn't ask for feedback though. We had a chat session on AHWA some time back where we had a group of Aussie editors attend and provide info for would be writers such as us. 99% of them said they do not appreciate getting asked for feedback. Most also have it in their guidelines if they do or don't try to provide feedback.

    I've found mid range publications (paying and semi-pro markets) tend to give feedback if your work is: close but not quite; at a fairly decent level to begin with; you are professional and polite in your submission letter; have followed the guidelines. It's almost as if they can see you've made an effort and so they attempt to make an effort in return. This isn't always the case but in about 66% of cases it seems to happen with me.

  6. Hmmmn. I've subbed to ME#2. I wasn't going to, since I figured I'd be pushing my luck after making it into ME#1, but I got excited that Shane and Angela were editing, so, well...I pushed my luck.

    No flashing bold rejection yet (I'm sure it's on its way), but I did receive a very pretty and well put together acknowledgement that my sub had been received.

    Speaking as someone who slushes, feedback can be a random thing. It can depend on fickle factors such as how much time I have on my hands and how energetic and verbose I'm feeling. Other times, it can relate specifically to the story - there can be some things I really want to highlight to the author, good or bad. I remember the AHWA chat BT is referring to - most editors dislike being asked for feedback. If it's given, great; if it's not, probably best not to ask for it.

    Though I suspect you probably already know all that, David, and were just curious as to how BT got feedback, rather than suggesting that you might start requesting editors to give you feedback - so apologies for waffling on! :o)

  7. Hi FD,

    Thanks for your comment - that actually clarifies things for me. I had thought that BT was saying that Editors don't ever liked to be asked for feedback.

    I have a standard line in my submission email saying that any and all feedback is always welcome but I wouldn't go back and ask for it after being rejected. I prefer to moodily brood on my rejection and plan all kinds of unpleasant revenge on the Editorial staff and their families.


  8. I think a line such as the one you mention ("any and all feedback welcome") is fine. You're not technically saying "give me feedback or else" but you're putting the vague suggestion out there nonetheless. No harm, no foul. Of course, that's my own humble opinion and could be completely foolhardy to pay any attention to... :op
