Sunday 31 May 2009

FlashWRITER - Beta Version Released

FlashWRITER Beta Release Finished.

I finished the code and help files this morning. Then I spent all day trying to get the web published version to work properly. In the end I discovered that VISTA doesn't let you modify the Program Files folder.

This was a big problem because that is where I was storing all the template, log, history and configuration files.

So a quick rewrite later and v1.0.0.7 is ready for download. You can click on the box to the right to download the setup file directly or click on the FlashWRITER v1.0 (Beta Release) link to go to the download page.

I will set up two threads for bug reporting and future feature requests (no promises). I will collect a few and then publish an updated version. I'm expecting quite a few due to the fairly major last minute rewrite.

Note that when you open the program file for the first time it wont be able to open your configuration or history files (since they don't exist yet).

WARNING - This is beta software use with care.

1 comment:

  1. Downloaded!

    Now I just need inspiration to hit me...

    Congratulations, Dave.
